Stanly' s corner 与爱同在的地方!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Pay it forward, 把爱传出去
Friday, June 17, 2011
Belief 信念

整个conference仿佛像是一个training,performance night, sharing, interaction, 我甚至想形容它为我们的“家”,一个让全世界团结,不分彼此,因为这个国际生意的创立,让世界7亿人达改变了他们的生活素质,达到梦想,扭转命运! (我绝对没有浮夸,我本身就是其中那7亿人口!!!)
V-con 的主题很简单,就是belief!!只要你相信,事情就会发生,生活才会改变!如果你不相信某样东西,是很危险的!比如说爱情,亲情,友情,一句不相信,感情就很容易决裂!
如果不相信,当你看见一堆大便时,你对自己讲前面那堆黑漆漆的东西像大便,但不是很像,走前去摸摸看,松松软软的,带有臭味,很像大便,却还是不相信,最后拿在手中尝一下,“HOLY SHIT”真的是大便!!那时才来相信会不会太迟呢?
那5天4夜的经历,让我看到这个世界上仍然有人不向命运低头,他们的牺牲,付出换来今天的享乐绝对是天经地义的!所以我才说这个v-con, unbelievable, indescribable, unimaginable!
The entire conference seems like a training, performance night, sharing, interaction section, I even want to describe it as our "home", a world to unite, without distinction, because the creation of this international business, 700 million people of the world changed their quality of life, to dream, to reverse the fate! (I have absolutely no exaggeration, is one of my own that 700 million people!!!)
How to say this international business for 700 million people to dream? I said then you know! !
Africa has 70% of people now go hungry, starve to death every three seconds a person, but they do for a decision today, they believe in us that we can take them out of their bad predicament. Now, they have the ability to come from Africa, Malaysia, spent a 2000-3000usd is to come back to participate in this conference, learn more things back to their own, to change the fate of more poor people! !
V-con's theme is simple belief!! As long as you believe, things happen, life will change! If you do not believe that something is very dangerous! For example, love, affection, friendship, one does not believe that feelings can easily break!
If you do not believe, when you see a shit, you speak in front of their pile of dark things, such as shit, but not like, U go and touch it, loose soft, with a smell, it is like a shit, but still do not believe, try the last in my hand, "HOLY SHIT" is really the shit ! ! haha, isn’t too late?
Those who pursue a dream, I sincerely congratulate you, you do for a decision, we want to get on the ship, we were a miracle to achieve it!
These 5 days and 4 nights experience, let me see this world, there are still people do not bow to the fate of their sacrifice, to pay in exchange for today's pleasure is absolutely right and proper! So I said this v-con, unbelievable, indescribable, unimaginable!
Man with a dream is the greatest! ! !
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
还有2天,2 days more
These few weeks, almost could not sleep for a few nights, thinking so excited!
Another 2 days, Putra Bukit Jalil Stadium will have a grand 2010 to pursue the activities, many foreign rich people are "dressed" (a traditional dress costume national representative) to attend. My leaders told me that, even a cannibal tribe in Africa are coming! I am surprized! Will they hunt us for their meal? haha!
These 5 days 4 nights conference is the first time in my life with friends in various countries, but also one of my dreams, I always hoped one day to experience the culture of various countries. Although not travel around the world due to not afford to go abroad, but at least I dream of going abroad is completed 30%. I'm done step by step the dream.
I want to change myself, not just to the memory of past achievements! Larger world beyond the place to look! Expand one's horizons, not just limited to the local ~
Thought of this, I will start excited! Do a lot of people say I'm highly motivated people!Now I realize!
Hell, i cannot sleep tonight, ha ha ~ However,
V-Con Malaysia, I am coming!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
4月5日,超晴 ~凭吊着~
Monday, March 28, 2011
有人陪我吃饭,度过无数寂寞的夜晚,听我唱歌也没有讲我烦,我的忠实听众!(haha, 这两个人应该也在笑吧);有人和我骂架,闹到要quit酱,也不是不舍得我(哈哈);有人是我的贵人,不是他们,我应该不会在GenX; 也有人很爱搞笑,时常讲一些莫名其妙且震撼的话,可以show plan,show到去外太空的样子,去火星都可以讲到很理直气壮,好像黄子华谐星!真的服了这人,虽然这人很爱和我作对,不合作,很ego,不teamwork,但我一直坚信他会很成功,他将来很可能会像sophia, cacee, erica 那么powerful 的speaker哦!没有他的话,我的team会很xian的,没有生气~(他应该也在傻笑吧,不然就死讲"有point")
相信,秉持:"我们是打不死的蟑螂,因为我们会飞!"将来我们的team用蟑螂来取名, Cockroach team / 小强team, 不错哦!